A church is a called-out assembly doing the work of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. The mission of Bright Light Baptist Church is to reach as many people as we can with the Gospel. I firmly believe that we have a church that desires to see people saved and lives changed. At the present time, we are supporting more than 150 missionaries around the world.
Macedonia Baptist College is a ministry of Bright Light Baptist Church. Macedonia Baptist College offers correspondence and online coursework. We are also representative of 10 satellite colleges training pastors, preachers, missionaries and Christian workers. Since 1991, we have had the privilege of supplying curriculum for 150 missionaries and institutes worldwide through our multi lingual translation efforts.
We have a motto that we will have no organization or ministry that does not have for its end the salvation of souls.
We are excited about the men God has called from our church to serve in various ministries:
Jeremy Simpson, Pastor of Thanks To Calvary Baptist Church, Elkin, NC
Tony Owen, Pastor of New Testament Baptist Church, Monroe, NC
Danny Vaughn, Missionary/Church Planter, Orofino, ID
Jesse Hailey, Missionary/Church Planter to South Dakota
We never want to forget the old paths of revival and evangelism. We strive to have a camp meeting church where all feel at home. We promote and practice old fashioned worship and we have only one Bible, the 1611 King James Authorized Version, the preserved Word of God. We are developing disciples according to the New Testament church ideal which was simple and devoted to praying, preaching, and praising God!
The best days of Bright Light Baptist Church are ahead of us. I pray that we will continue to walk in the light as he is in the light and we will have fellowship one with another.
Til Jesus Comes,
Ronnie Simpson, Ph.D.
Luke 11:13; Daniel 12:3; Hebrews 7:25